What it is an Eori Number
What is an EORI number?
EORI stands for “Economic Operators Registration and Identification number”.
Businesses and people wishing to trade must use the EORI number as an identification number in all customs procedures when exchanging information with Customs administrations.
Having one common type of identification number across the EU is more efficient, both for economic operators and customs authorities.
It is also more efficient for statistical purposes and security purposes.
Format of the EORI number
The EORI number exists out of two parts:
The country code of the issuing Member State; followed by
a code or number that is unique in the Member State
Who needs an EORI number?
Any economic operator established in the customs territory of the Union needs, for customs purposes, an EORI number.
Economic operators not established in the customs territory of the Union also need an EORI for a number of different situations.
For example:
to lodge a customs declaration in the customs territory of the Union;
to submit an Entry Summary Declaration (ENS)Search for available translations of the preceding link•••
to lodge an Exit Summary Declaration (EXS)Search for available translations of the preceding link•••
to lodge a temporary storage declaration in the customs territory of the Union
act as a carrier for the purposes of transport by sea, inland waterway or air;
act as a carrier who is connected to the customs system and wishes to receive any of the notifications provided for in the customs legislation regarding the lodging or amendment of entry summary declarations.
Persons other than economic operators shall be registered in following situations:
where such registration is required by the national legislation of a Member State;
where the person engages in operations for which an EORI number must be provided according to the EU customs legislation.
It is irrelevant if the economic operator is a company (legal person) or a natural person.
How can you request an EORI number?
persons established in the customs territory of the Union should request the assignment of the EORI number to the customs authorities of the EU country in which they are established.
persons not established in the customs territory of the Community should request the assignment of the EORI number to the customs authorities of the EU country responsible for the place where they first lodge a declaration or apply for a decision.
Checking an EORI number
All EORI numbers can be checked in the EORI online database.